With the advancements of the internet, online shopping, online payment, and online market places such as Craigslist or Ebay it's a wonder places like Hahn's are still in business.
I get that Joes go here to pawn off their excess TA-50 and other crap that 'fell off the back of the 5-ton' but seriously Hahns? you're going to mark up that shit THAT much?
Things are just insanely over priced and the store isnt that well organized if you can even begin to organize a place like this. Prices are insanely marked up as well. Anywhere else you can go would be cheaper. For example ACU grenade pouches I found a few, some were priced at 6.99 another 9.99...oh kay so what makes one 3 dollars more expensive than another? Quick search on America's number one online auction site i can pick up two for 9.00 including shipping, hell i could have got 100 for $25.
If you're considering coming here to buy TA-50 you're missing or looking to sell some used stuff...consider posting it online first and save yourself the gas.
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