I've been here four or five times now and nothing has changed my mind. This is easily the best Vietnamese restaurant in the southwest area. It also happens to be the closest to my house.
The combination (or "special") pho is a good deal. I'm not talking monetarily. It has a generous amount of rare steak, tripe, and tendon. (It also has other meat, but those are my favorites). I like the lower and wider bowl that they use. It really lets me get to every last morsel. And the broth is so good that I slurped it all up yesterday. I was completely full, but they gave me a free mung bean dessert that was delicious and really hit the spot.
I've also tried their bun bo hue and the clay pot fish dish. Their BBH doesn't compare to Bosa 1, but I think my short-lived BBH phase has passed anyway. The clay pot fish was yummy, though a tad salty. I also love how they serve their spring rolls with a vertical presentation--you don't see that at other places.
It's hard to say that RPE is as good as it gets, but I'm most definitely a fan. Oh and they have a drive-thru, which I have not tried. I'd rather dine in.
4.5 stars