Been making purchases here for a while, do yourself a big favor and don't purchase anything that might require customer service, there isn't any! Purchase around over $300 of merchandise last night at 6:30pm which included a power grinder for approximately $69.00. After I took it home I charged it up and then determined on/off switch was non-functioning around 9:00pm. It would not turn on, let alone off. when I called person answering phone to me I could bring it back for a replacement. I asked if I could take care of today since it was getting Late last nightWhen I took it
Back I was asked to wait a Minute while they checked It out. A few minutes later they brought it back to show me it was "working". I mentioned that the on/off switch wasn't working as it wouldn't shut off. The guy insisted it was turning on, just not off. I said I had read the directions and it was not functioning correctly. I asked when they would have a replacement unit in, or if I could pick one up in their Henderson location? He told me they couldn't take the time to get a replacement in and that since I didn't bring it back last night I couldn't get a refund rather an in-store credit?
No effort to make it right, don't give a damn if it works or not, in this industry there is no refund! I mentioned that I wasn't asking for a weed refund and that this was a defective mechanical device.
#jennysdoesnotgiveashit. #jennysnotaplacefor accessories. #jennysnoguarantee. #jennyssellsjunkacceaoriea