| - This place is ALWAYS on groupon, so I've been here a few times. I wouldn't go if I had to pay full price because it's not really worth it. I've done many, many room escapes, and this one is on the lower quality side. Not horrible, but they could put more effort into props and design, especially to fit the theme.
The Gallery Codex:
The design of this room was decent, although a bit bare. This room was also pretty easy; I was playing with one person who had only been to a few room escapes and two other people who had never done a room escape before, and we still made it out with time to spare.
I've also done a couple other rooms, one of which I think no longer exists. Honestly, they all kind of blur together, partially because the themes of the rooms are very poorly defined and the decorations don't entirely fit the themes. It's funny because The Gallery Codex is the first room I did but it's the only one I remember clearly, which I guess goes to show that that's one of the better designed/themed rooms.
Another annoying thing is that The Haunted room has been "coming soon" for like the past 2 years, so don't hold your breath for that one lol.