Oh, the price of adultery. A while ago, my regular hair place wouldn't see me on a Friday night and it rubbed me the wrong way. Said they were "busy" and to "make an appointment" for next week. Whatever. So I walked down the block to smiling and sexy Topcuts; her winking sandwich board promised $10 haircuts. I walked in. I waited forever. And when it was done, I so, so regretted it. I regret it more now that the hair has grown in. I'll never stray again.
Obligatory Title Pun: Forget it TOP, you're CUT.
Menu Readability: A menu? In a hair salon? Bwhahaha, you crazy.
Need to mention: It's not $10 for a haircut. It's $10 for a child's haircut, and $15 for a men's. I saved no money coming here.
What this place teaches me about myself: You can't always get what you want; next time I'll just make a G.D. appointment.