| - I usually discount other people's yelp reviews that say, "I had this one really bad experience at X establishment, so you shouldn't go there." (See my policy on second chances.) But I going to say that, or get very close to saying that. Because I'm angry and upset and have a useless phone that Best Buy won't let me return and I need to vent about it.
I bought a phone a couple of months ago at Best Buy. It might be a completely fine phone. I don't know, because I don't have a line coming into my house on which to test it. It has taken two months (six weeks, really) of haggling and negotiating and cajoling and badgering to get Cox to finally come to the conclusion that they just can't install a phone line in my apartment. I feel like that can't be true, but I really don't even have the emotional energy to write the Cox review yet. So once it finally became clear that I was never, ever getting a phone line in my apartment, I tried to return the phone to Best Buy. I was by now outside the one month return window.
I have the receipt, which does clearly show I am outside the window (there is no disputing that). When I asked the woman who has "helping" me to make an exception (because really, what the heck does corporate Best Buy care if it's been one month or two? I see why they don't want me returning the phone two years later, because their accounting would get all messed up -- but two months, for a $35 phone? Isn't that worth some good will? Or make me return it for today's selling price. Offer me SOME solution, people.) Anyway, I asked very nicely for her to make an exception, and she asked the manager, and he said it would be different if I had tried to return it a few days more than a month after I bought it, but not THIS long after. Really? It's either a bright line rule or it isn't. Either the manager has the ability to waive the rule or he doesn't. I didn't return the phone back then because I didn't KNOW back then that my phone line wasn't going to work.
Let me be clear. They weren't rude. They were just completely indifferent. What peeved me was that they could care less whether I ever gave them my business again. Over $35. In a situation where the manager apparently did have the ability to bend the rules. (Or wanted me to have the impression that he did.) So not cool.