Before I begin... I must admit that I love swimming and pool parties at people's houses but HATE the Vegas/Scottsdale pool party atmosphere. I generally go for the music and to have fun the parties generally feel like a showoff fest than a good time. I work for a living so I don't have time to GTL it to look like a hard-body superstar.
With that said, I went here on a Saturday night and it was DEAD. There was a group of 3-4 people at the back table and one guy sleeping on the flat pool benches - and that was it. I went with 4 other people so we pretty much doubled the place. Got a round of drinks and two people decided to jump in with their clothes on. You guessed it - they were drunk. Their comment about 15 minutes later was, "oh, it is only 11:45, dang, we thought it was later!" LOL.
With that said, I just don't think the pool party thing is my thing. The place seemed nice but I just don't care for the atmosphere where it genuinely feels like everyone is judging you because you aren't cool enough because you aren't a beefcake and aren't rocking no-tanlines-anywhere. I didn't go here during a pool party so Iacn't judge that aspect truthfully. As for my experience, there was basically nothing to experience.