We decided to stop here since we were still with our 2 year old son, before the babysitter (my mom) takes him away for the weekend. We showed up last Thursday about 11am and there were about 100 people already in line. I would have not thought this since it was a morning and midweek, but what are you going to do? I think the only bad part of the entire place was that they force you to have your picture taken before you enter the Aquarium. We were wondering why the line just stopped, then we figured it out. Since there were a bunch of kids, they were just running around and there is really no lines to get into. You just have to move around people who just stop and look at things. Normally that would not bother me, but I sometimes was pushing a stroller and I don't like ramming people's ankles/calves from behind with the stroller, but its your fault people. Please make a mental note of who is behind you before you just stop mid-step to look at turtles. I think I almost ran over a few kids who were just running around. I finally had to pick my son out of the stroller and walk around the place with him in my arms. He really seemed to like it. Even though his arms were not long enough to reach the animals in the petting tank, he still liked to slash the water even though they frown upon it. I heard the oohs and ahh's from him at points when some of the fish and sharks were right up on the glass. He had a good time. Since he was under 2, my some was free and adults were like $17.00. The price was OK, I guess the price would have been better for me if there were not sooooo many freakn' kids running around. We had a good time, but I really don't think we would go back. It was cool to try it once.