| - This new restaurant, owned by the same guy who owns Zoyo Ice Cream right next door, is in our neighborhood and on our list of places to try. Any other restaurant review I've given has generally been about the food, because that's what really counts at a restaurant, right? Well, we didn't get the chance to try their food because of the clock. We entered the restaurant at 10:55 am. We were both impressed with the appearance of the facility. Given menus by a very friendly young lady at the counter we made our selections and returned to the counter to order. My wife wanted the margherita pizza but had noticed the menu note that stated it was served after 11:00 am. It was now 10:57 am. My wife asked the young lady if it was okay to order her pizza now. The counter girl turned to one of the cooks behind her and asked the same question. "Not 'til after 11:00 am," he shouted back to her. "Sorry," said counter girl. We stepped away from the counter to discuss our options. The only real option was to depart without spending our money. As a long time marketing manager with heavy emphasis on customer service I have to ask what would it have taken for the counter girl and/or the cook to say, "Sure! We'd be happy to take your order." I mean, we're talking three minutes early. They didn't even have to start making the darn thing until 11:01 am and we never would have known. Instead, they stuck to their rules and in the end lost our business, forever. Having said that, based on reviews of this location and the Tatum Road one, I don't think we're missing anything. Too bad owners won't train their staff to take care of the customer. First impressions last a long time.