I think I am in love with my masseuse. Seriously. If it meant that I would get free massages nightly from Nathaniel, I very well might have proposed.
This is why Massage Envy gets 4 stars from me. I am a firm believer in the phrase "you get what you pay for." And at the ridiculously low prices, $49 for an hour followed by $39 every additional hour you go within the same month, I'd say Massage Envy passes pretty much every expectation I had going in.
Sure, you're not going to get the amenities and ambiance of a full day spa, but you're also not going to pay $150 for a more often than not sub par massage (in my experience.)
That said, I'd say Massage Envy is definitely worth a shot. I could care less about the girls working the computer who to be honest I've only had quite pleasant experiences with and the lack of a steam room, as long as Nathaniel is working there, good luck keeping me away.