This mall used to be the one to go to. Not so much anymore. It's usually filled with kids and teenagers, cussing and swearing and basically making fools of themselves, and not showing any respect to anyone that may be there to do any actual shopping. Many of the stores don't last long, I swear one of the last few times we were there almost an entire wing was devoid of any stores.
They remodeled and updated this mall a number of years ago - 11 or 12, and then it looked really nice. Now it's rather drab, and they have consistently used the same tired holiday decorations since probably the late 1970's.
Another thing....those pushy little f#$ks you like to call sales people standing by kiosks in the hallways...yeah big turn off. I have a military haircut (no you can't straighten my hair...brcausr there isnt any you dumb fool!), I'm happy with my cell provider and no i dont want a hello kitty phone case.
Last but not least. Your anchor stores would be appealing, except we have a member of the family that is in a power wheelchair. 90% of the aisles in those stores are clogged with crap so he can't get through.
Sorry to say I won't support this mall any longer. I will be shopping from the comfort of my home. Amazon has earned my business.