| - I see Dragon Dynasty everywhere -- in lists of top Chinese & dim sum restaurants, on a couple of those reality shows about catering weddings, and in every magazine ever, being given great reviews.
And it's great for me, because it's literally blocks away from where I grew up. It's part of a random Scarborough "mall", with a Price Chopper and a Shoppers that never got renovated, etc etc. Basically, everything around it is no frills.
Yet, Dragon Dynasty has such an extravagant name, and they probably used the name because they knew their food was going to be ROYAL (bad joke). But it's literally some of the best Chinese food I've ever had. Prices are on the higher end, considering you can go next door and get a styrofoam container filled to the brim for $4, but you're paying for good quality and great service here, as well as the assurance that this food will sit comfortably in your stomach.
If you can ever make it out to this area before 11am, you should definitely run over to Dragon Dynasty for dim sum. They serve enormous, delicious, skillfully-crafted dim sum -- huge rice rolls with GIANT shrimp, siu mai with pork that doesn't make you cringe, and dumplings that aren't dripping with grease. I mean, dim sum is greasy by nature, but Dragon Dynasty has some top Chinese chefs in the kitchen who know how to make great greasy food without overdoing it.
Not to mention, before 11 am, this dim sum is less than $2 a dish! Cheaper than anything you'll find downtown, far better quality, and a great dining experience.