| - Let me start by saying that I love the concept of a drive-in movie theater, and I wish that there were still more around. Unfortunately, the location of this theater makes the movies practically unwatchable due to the train tracks and highway right next door. The sounds and lights of the trains and the trucks make it next to impossible to actually watch the movie. Also, you have to keep your car running if you don't want your battery to die. It's hard to sit outside and listen to the movie with a portable radio because it's a gravel parking lot instead of grass, so you can't sit on the ground, which means you need to sit in your car unless you have a pickup truck. If you sit in your car with only the battery on for the length of the two movies, it WILL die on you. It would make more sense to go back to giving out the portable speakers like most drive-in theaters did back in the day, so you wouldn't need to have this issue. On another note, the staff are friendly, the food is awesome, and the 2 movies for one price is a great value. Overall, it's a great business in an absolutely awful location.