| - I dont know how to say this, but I have the most horrible experience in Peter Laugheed with my pregnant wife. It all started when she was being given epidural. The doctor had to pick three times to get the correct place,and ended up giving more medicine. Instantly my wife complaint about headache and numbness, but the doctor said it is irrelevant. Within few moment my wife went into shock (blood pressure went down to 30-50 ) and the baby's heart bit was lost. The nurse call 'code blue' , all the doctors rush in and saved the baby and the mother, thanks to them. The next bad news came in few mins. Instead of having epidural, she got spinal and upto her chest! She got paralyzed upto chest! Thankfully they abled to revert in few hours,but she felt all the pain while the spinal was being revert.The rest goes well in the delivery room. Now it started in the post natal unit #34. On the second night at 11.45 pm the duty nurse harshly refused to provide diapers for the newborn! We are not told at the beginning we are supposed to bring that, cos we can bring some since we have already stocked diapers at home! Next day, one nurse even asked skeptically why we are feeding too much formula to the baby (formula provided by the hospital). You informed her the doctors said so since the baby is late premie and my wife has no breast milk yet. At the very end, when I asked the station nurse to show me how to put the baby in the car seat, they roughly refused me by saying." it's Alberta law that you are supposed to know that, it is your car seat and you need to do it. We have no time to show you". She was so rude! This is mu first baby, she is tiny, and I was scared! Is that abnormal for a father to ask?
My suggestion would be, be vocal and provide written feedback if you experience something like this. The Alberta Health should know this.