| - After months and months of waiting for acknowledgment from Cheddar's about this issue, Cheddar's response is "6/16/2016 Hi Carey, thank you for bringing this to our attention. We would like to have someone reach out to you personally, so please send us a private message with your contact information. Thank you."
First of all, send you a private message where? Secondly, what about the two previous private messages I sent using the FEEDBACK survey on the receipt and the email I sent directly using the CONTACT US form on your web-site? Both of which were ignored.
I'm right here. Feel free to say publicly what you want to say to me privately. No national franchise charges tax on a tip. Go eat at Red Lobster, Olive Garden, Texas Roadhouse, Applebee's, Chili's, Cheesecake Factory... literally anywhere in the country and see for yourself.
Financially penalizing your customers for leaving a gift to their server is INSANE and discourages a generous gift.
I hope you order a pizza some day and when the delivery driver brings it to your door and you tip the delivery driver $5, I hope the delivery driver says to you, "Oh, if you're going to tip me $5, you have to give me $5.50 to cover the sales tax." I just want to see how outraged you are. Surely the simple solution is to take the $5 back and not leave any tip at all. I already pay tax on my income, I shouldn't have to pay tax on the servers income, too.
What is there to talk about? There is no precedent for this practice. There is no excuse for it. There is nothing to discuss. Change the deceitful and anti-consumer practice of charging tax on a tip. If and when you do, please let me know and I'll give you future business. Until then, I'm warning everyone I know to pay attention to the receipt they get at your establishment that literally NO OTHER NATIONAL FRANCHISE condones, practices or endorses.
Thank you. I look forward to your public response here.