| - This is only about Gaudi Bar at Sunset Station Casino:
In all the years coming to Las Vegas, we've never had such terrible service.
Sunset Station Casino was one of our favorite places to eat, drink and gamble.
2/27/17 Things changed. We sat at the Gaudi Bar 7pm located in the middle of the
casino. Immediately when we sat down, I knew it wasn't going to be a good
experience. Jenny the bartender, saw us sit down and looked directly at us
and walked to other customers on the other side of the bar. We sat there, and
said...what's that about? Then after that, she asked us what we wanted. No smile,
no welcoming expression, just a dead stare. I ordered a Heineken light, and my
wife ordered a grey goose martini. At which point Jenny asked if we were gonna
play video poker. We said yes, then Jenny tells my wife she can't have grey goose
and she could substitute absolut instead. Instead of saying, we have grey goose, but
she'd have to charge for it, if we wanted it. Which would be fine. We weren't trying to
get free $2 beers and a $7 drinks. My wife said, that Absolut would be fine, I got my
beer and we thought that was that. We played and talked for a short time, I finished
my beer and asked Jenny for another one. BOOM! That's when it got really bad!
Jenny walks away, comes back with my beer and starts scolding me. Saying I'll
comp this beer, but I'll have to pay for the next one. I asked if there was a problem?
She then says the video poker machine wasn't registering any play. Then she says
maybe I'm not playing the max. We've been coming to Las Vegas for 25 years. I then
tell Jenny I've been playing the max and if somethings wrong with my machine, I'll
switch to the next one. I ask her if anyone else has had a problem with my machine?
She looks at me dead faced again and says with an attitude NO. I lost it, I asked the
other bartender to call a manager. Luckily, Melanie swing shift manager came immediately.
I told her how we felt, and she was so nice. She apologized and asked if she could do
anything to make it better. I told her, I didn't want the beer Jenny left and actually didn't
want anything at that point. Melanie gave me Jerry Caswell her bosses direct
number to call and that she'd let him know what happened the next day. Both me and
my wife have over 40 years combined in the service industry (restaurants) so we know
when we are being treated badly. All Jenny had to say was, I'm sorry but I'm not registering
enough play for me to comp your drinks. Simple...I would have just paid our tab and that
would be that. But to cop an attitude from the start was unexceptable. This is how Jenny
made us feel:
Definition of cop an attitude. US, informal. : to show that one believes he or she is more important or better than other people by behaving in a rude or unpleasant way
When we got home, I decided to call Jerry for a follow up and let him know how upset I was.
He was sympathetic and apologized again. He said that it doesn't sound like Jenny and that
she's been with Sunset Station since they've opened. I told him, unfortunately it shows...
He said he'd talk to Jenny and try to find out what happened. He also said, he'd like to make
it right next time we travel to Las Vegas and to give him a call before we arrive. I kindly
told him thank you, but again we weren't looking for any comps or freebies. After that bad
experience at the bar, we still went to the Oyster Bar for the Pan Roast Combo. I told the cook
Jesus what happened and he apologized for Jenny's bad behavior. He said, he'd do whatever
he could do, to make it right. Jesus actually remembered us from last year. He said he remembered us, and went on into detail to tell us specific things that we had talked about, even after a year. He made us feel important, special and welcomed. I ordered 2 Heineken light beers at $5 each and then Jesus's manager over heard me and came up to extend his apologies to what happened and said he gave us a 15% discount on our dinner.
To make a very long story short: TOO LATE, LOL. Don't sit on the bar if Jenny is working!