On the outside, this place looks wonderful. Tropical, heavily landscaped with nice friendly people. What most people aren't aware of is that the dolphin habitat has a 60% dolphin death rate. Why?? Mostly because sub tropical animals don't do well in the middle of the desert yet alone, on the Las Vegas strip. This facility owns 10 bottlenose dolphins that if you look closely, show extreme signs of stress. Floating listless at the surface. Making repetitive methodical laps around the pools. Waiting by the gates. Some even chewing the gates. No shade to escape the scorching sun. This facility is in violation of the Animal Welfare Act concerning shade which they do not offer for the four dolphins kept in the rear pool from 11am to 5pm. Some of these dolphins have a skin condition called poxvirus which would normally clear up if wasn't for extreme stress endured by this situation. Please reconsider giving The Mirage any money and supporting this lack of care. There is plenty of educational material found on why dolphins don't do well on captivity. Take a look for yourself and educate yourself. Highly social and intelligent creatures that require the stimulation of the wild do not belong in small chlorinated pools being fed dead fish to do tricks. It's not ethical. If you don't believe it, I challenge you to see for yourself or follow www.facebook.com/lasvegasdolphins for more information.