I came here about a week ago after seeing it on yelp.Walking inside i stood there for a mniute and no one came to sat us.You have to get a menu and sit yourself,I wasnt awear of that.After stiing down me and my grandfather looked through the menu.I ended up getting a bacon burger with american cheese and pickles,not very specil.The thing that is cool here is you can get as many sauses as you want with no charge,and you can get them on the side.So of couse i got a few
Burger-it was good juisy and the bun was very soft
Fries-crispy but ive had bettter
Onion rings-These taste just like the ones from star burger in bolder city,wich isnt a bad thing!
sauses-I got ranch,spicy ranch,hot musterd,1000 island sause,and i think thats all,the only one i didnt realy like was hot mustard it just wasnt my favorite,the rest were very good!