Hemenway Valley Park is a must stop! Those who don't think this park has much to offer are most likely transplants. Locals living in Boulder City and NV natives love this park and find it kid friendly. I've been by many times and while the playground isn't big, it's still filled with children and parents who are not afraid of the sheep and play without fear. You can come here daily and see tons of Desert Bighorn Sheep, Nevada's state animal. They take off before sunset, so get here before then if you want a glimpse of them. The park has grass and covered gazebos with picnic tables, a playground, horseshoe pit (the sheep like hanging out there lol), basketball court, two lighted tennis courts and then there's the two lighted softball fields in the adjoining flood control basin (bighorn park). Hubby and I brought a picnic dinner along, but first enjoyed watching the sheep until they took off into the hills for the night and then ate at one of the gazebos. We had an amazing view of Lake Mead while we ate and the vibe was very peaceful and relaxing. Fun stop for all ages.