This was a truly amazing exhibit. I have background in Biology/Anatomy so I was especially intrigued to see it. I knew a lot of the information that was on the cards and I've seen body parts/cadavers but there was just something really interesting about seeing real human body parts close up. I'm used to sheep's brains and organs or plastic models instead of the real thing. There isn't any kind of partition between you and the full human cadavers so you can get super close. They tell you not to touch but I did see an idiot or two touch. I actually gave one of them the what for when I saw him touch it. He wanted to be sure it was "real". I guess the numerous signs saying they were real human bodies wasn't enough. Grrr! Anywho, it is a bit pricey ($32) but if you are going to do at least two shows/exhibits I suggest you do the 3/$59 and get a show free. There were several to choose from. Downside: you can't take any pictures :(