The employees were all very welcoming and acknowledging. The downside was communication amongst employees was awful!
I had issues with an immediate entrance door not reading my room card, but it could open the door to the next level, although miniscule it was a huge inconvenience. I contacted engineering 3 times with no rersponse until the 3rd time when their was a card left in my room stating "the problem with: your AC has been resolved." There was nothing wrong with my AC!
Secondly, the woman answering the room calls was short and rude with a bad attitude.
And finally, I left a book in the room, I had to call 3 times to get a response whether housekeeping found the book. Once they did a young man called and wrote my information to send me the book. Two days later, I receive a phone call for shipping department asking me if they had the book, are you kidding me?!