My mother who is 81 and in an assisted living home, gave her laptop to my father to have fixed at PC Guru. The laptop was examined in store, my father was told that it could not be repaired. They sold him a used laptop. I happened to be at his house when he came home saying that he had to buy Mom a new laptop. I was curious as to what was wrong with her old machine so I booted it up. Worked fine but was slow, I found and removed a program running in the background, then defraged her HDD. Machine ran great! The next day my Dad and I took the laptop back for a refund. The owner was not there, so we were told to return Monday. I had to work Monday through Wednesday out of town, so I went back on Thursday. The owner still was not there, so the clerk got him on the phone. He wanted to know what was wrong with the new/used laptop, I told him that I had never booted it up, and that I wanted to return it because there was nothing wrong with her old one. I was told by the owner Don that "this is not the way we do business" he then offered me a store credit. I gave the phone back to the clerk, and politely left.
Clearly this is a business that has taken advantage of an elderly woman and man. There is no place in our community for a business that operates in such a manner.