The place is really nice and trendy looking. Unfortunately, we weren't able to go to the terrasse because it was raining like crazy. The service started out very well right up until it started becoming very buzy (there were a few party tables here and there). The waiter took forever to serve us our after-meal coffee and afterwards our bill. The food on the other hand was delicious! For appetizers, my BF had the salad and I had the salmon tartar. The presentation and perfect mixture of flavors was amazing. We then had the cod dish and the chicken with mushroom sauce and mashed potatoes. The cod was perfectly cooked, the chicken was slightly dry to my liking, but the mashed potatoes was so smooth and butterliscious =P We ended the meal with a dark chocolate tart and a "special" fruit salad. Mind you, there is nothing special about the fruit salad other than its presentation (served in a small Mason jar on a wooden platter). The chocolate tart was good though. Regarding pricing, pretty reasonable for some good tasting food, but not if you're looking to stuff your face out. Also, 10$ for a tiny piece of tart and 10$ for a tiny fruit salad? Really?