I've been going into this branch for about a year now. I bought a house down the street and this branch is on the way to work. I usually zip in and out of there. All the tellers are awesome. All know me by name. The only downside to this location is that it is near a senior living neighborhood. And let me tell you, the worst thing about this branch are the customers. I am always getting cut in line. Like an unreal amount. Am i really that invisible? One customer even told me i had a ridiculous hair cut. Crazies! Half the time I'm waiting, I'm listening to these people bitch at the tellers over policies that the company as a whole has instilled. Yet the poor tellers get the brunt of it. Also, No one fills out their slips which makes the wait time even longer. What's wrong with you people. The slips are out there while you wait in line, theres even a pen provided! Fill out your slip!! Theres nothing that burns me up more then someone cutting me in line because they chose not to fill out their slip. Even so, when the tellers get chewed out, they never transfer that energy to the next person. They just keep on smiling. Kudo's to you guys! Keep up the great work and great service!