My LG phone is a pain the a$$. It used to shut off randomly in the middle of typing a LOOOOOONG text message. It would erase messages half way through typing. Then all of the sudden the earpiece (i think?) went out... couldn't hear a thing, but others could hear me "Hello? Helloooo?". Annoying. I finally decided there must be someone/place who could fix it. I read great reviews for Sun Cellular, but they were closed. Open 9-5. Grrr. Drove all the way to 32nd & McDowell from Warner and the 101 for nothing. Note to self: CALL FIRST!
So then I found Quick Fix (SE corner of Ray and Dobson in the Sprouts shopping center right next to Coffee Rush)... I heard a random person mention it the last time I went to pay my cell phone bill. No REAL reviews... but what the heck, its on the way home. They were nice. Dropped it off, picked it up in an hour. I got a very reasonable price considering I got quoted $35 by some random craigslist guy, with no way to review his work. Quick Fix fixed my phone good as new!
Now I can talk on the phone without having to use speaker! That was so annoying, not just to me, but the poor folks around me!
Thanks Quick Fix... I recommend to anyone with annoying phone problems.