I hate that I have to write this review. Last summer I was under the care of Marcia Flores and Stephanie Kramer. At 19 weeks I went into labor because of an infection that ate through my baby's sac causing me to leak out all my amniotic fluid.
It's the events that lead to this that are SO upsetting. First of all the nurses that are supposed to take your blood are incompetent. They could not draw my blood because I was so dehydrated but they were not good at drawing blood either. By the time I received results back so many things had already gone wrong because you had little to no information on me.
At one appointment the tech straight up said no I will not draw her blood. This led to me not finding out the I am RH negative and needed a rhogam Shot to help my body not reject the baby.
They also never tested me to see if I was a Cystic fibrosis carrier probably because they decided I was African American when I am both Caucasian and African American. So now I'm pregnant again with my second child waiting to see if my spouse is also a carrier. Something we should already know.
Something else they did not do. I became dehydrated so many times and they would just tell me to go to the ER which is $500 each time.
They also prescribed a drug zofran that is contraindicated in the first trimester bc the diglecis was so expensive. They didn't even try to get it from the pharmacy in Florida that charges $1 a pill which is what my new doctor did so I won't be sick and dehydrated.
The day we found out that we were loosing our little boy the entire staff including Dr. Kramer was outside laughing bc they had a rep there and they were having a little party. My spouse had to open the door and tell them to have some respect. Oh and the front desk lady with the shorter hair who speaks incredibly to loud is one of the worst humans I've ever made contact with. She should not be in customer service. She needs to me fired.
I bleed from 11 weeks on and every one kept saying it was normal. Furthermore the mon before the Tuesday that my water broke an on call doctor told me to call the office Monday to get my ultra sound moved up, the lady on the phone flat out said no we can't do that.
I went into labor the next day. Clearly they do not care about the well being of their patients. I've had total breakdowns bc of these people. I blame you for the death of my child and then you have the audacity to have the state call me and question what happend to my child. This was your fault! You can say that this rarely happens and there's nothing no one could do. But I'll never believe you. His blood is on your hands. You allowed my child to die and almost myself. If it wasn't for that specialist I'd be dead now. Just know I am forever changed because of your staff. I don't know where you were educated but they should revoke all of your license. We wonder why we have one of the highest infant and mother mortality rates in the world. It's because of you! You are what's wrong with the world. You are the reason women and babies are dying. The collective incompetence of your entire staff is astounding. This establishment should be shut down. I can't believe you did this to me. Never forget. Shame on you. Shame.