I've tried spinning classes at a variety of gyms, but this was the first spinning only location I've visited. I was quickly won over by the staff alone, but there were many more aspects that put this place above all and into my most favorite!
Newbies, do not be scared! There are many helpful hands to get you set up on your bike properly! Use the free cycling shoes that they offer for a better experience, too!
I love the variety of instructors and special events and themes they host. The rooms are kept cool and dark so you can just focus on yourself and make the workout your own. The nice thing is that you can truly structure the experience to fit your own level. The fact that the workouts also incorporate arm weights makes it very well rounded.
Shortly before the session is over, a staff member will bring around cold water if you need it and by the time you get to cool down, chilled towels that have some kind of magical aroma are delivered to your bike to top off the experience. Seriously, I'd go just for these towels!
The ability to reserve a bike online or through their app is great!