I was lured here by all the extraordinary reviews this place got from fellow yelpers.
In my opinion this IS friggin NOT the BEST pho in Vegas..Cmon now fellow Yelpers,
I look to you guys with blind faith to give me the inside scoop and head's up about the best places to try or worse places to avoid. This place falls somewhere in the middle ground.
First off the pho is Meh ok. definately not the "Best pho I've had in Vegas!" as some yelpers write and also the restaurant itself is pretty "ghetto" for lack of a better word.
Pretty small restaurant and the big question is "Does this place even have a Restroom?"
Uhh, what's up with that? I could not locate one at all! I had to wait till I got out of the place to find one.. the first in my books.
I did give this place 2 stars because it does have free wi-fi available to its customers. (Password = vietnamese) If you don't want to ask. And another star because it wasn't the WORSE pho i've tried in the area.