| - This store is the worst. After reading articles on-line that September 19th was the first day to pre-order the Samsung Galaxy Note 4, I took my lunch break and drove over to the Verizon store. When I arrived, I was told that I had to wait outside, in a line, in the middle of the summer in Arizona, because there was a special Apple event inside, and only one customer per employee was allowed in.
Once I finally was allowed inside the store, I was welcomed by an almost entirely empty store, with about 4 or 5 people huddled into the back right-hand corner of the store, and the other 99% of the store vacant of people.
I explained that I didn't care about Apple and was a n Android customer, and that we should have been allowed to at least form a line inside the store, rather than being made to stand outside in the 100 degree heat. She then lied to me and told me it was security laws. I pointed out that there was no 'law' and that it was their own protocols put in place by them, which resulted in abhorrent customer service for their Android users. She seemed frustrated and had nothing to say in response.
I then called Verizon CS to complain and was told that this policy was put in place by the store manager and not by the company and that she also thought it was a bad decision to make people wait outside of an almost empty store in the middle of the summer to do business on Android devices because of a small gathering at the Apple desk
Avoid this store at all costs and go to any competitor to buy your phone if you want to receive even the most basic level of customer service.