I paid for a special order door with a doggie door back in June. Four weeks later, it arrived. It was incorrectly built and had holes for the deadbolt in the wrong place and the hinge cuts were also wrong. Home Depot told me the mistake was made by Feather River Doors and my issue was with them. I said I ordered it from Home Depot and they had better make things right. I told them I paid to have someone bring the wrong door to my house and that Home Depot needs to come and get it. Home Depot eventually agreed to send someone out to re-measure the door opening. 10 days later I called to see when the new door would arrive. They said no new door had been ordered. After three managers, I finally got one to come and get the wrong door. What about a new door and installation I was promised? Well, they are looking for a different door maker and sort of agree to install it for free if/when it arrives. None of this is in writing and I make need to make more calls and involve more managers. Three years ago I purchased a special order kitchen door from Home Depot for $1100. It arrived a few weeks later and was also built wrong. Maybe it's time to go visit Lowes.