| - If you are looking for a great non-denominational Christian church, you will find this Canyon Ridge to be welcoming, enthusiastic, comforting and well grounded in what it means to follow Jesus Christ in pursuit of the all mighty God. After attending this church off and on for about 6 years, I've come to know it as one of the best in all of Las Vegas and it serves the curious and the long time follower well on several levels. They are casual dress, low pressure in their approach to people. Come as you are. You won't find a suit or tie for miles and that's just how I like it.
The campus is impressive. Yes, I said campus. Everyone can enjoy this expansive 31-acre property. The main sanctuary is spacious and seats 1,100. The podium/stage is big and wide. The ceiling and walls are each feature viewing screens so you do not have to be up front if you're not comfortable there. Parking is all around the campus and does not have to be on the street. The regular congregation knows not to take the parking spots in the absolute front of the sanctuary so that visitors and even late comers have the best places to park for quick and easy access to the main service. The family room is big and has a good sized wide screen TV so attending serviced and monitoring your infant and toddler is both comfortable and easy to do. A two-story facility just north of the sanctuary is where Sunday school takes place. Registration and check-in of children 5 and up is simple and easy and it allows parents to leave their children in a safe, clean and well supervised place for their children to be while they attend service. Picking them up is a snap as well and everyone is friendly.
Unlike most churches, the team concept is really ramped up here. They are a committed staff of gifted teachers and servants who really do church as a team. Whether it's Pastor Kevin Odor or Pastor Mitch Harrison or Pastor Drew Moore or Pastor Steve Thomas or Pastor Doug Parks or any of the other talented church leaders who end up being the main speaker for the day, you might see any combination or all of them before, during and after the main service.
Speaking of Pastor Kevin Odor, he is easily one of the best pastors in all of Clark County. His insight into God's word is spot on and easy to understand. He mixes his Ohio upbringing in along with his general life experience often in his message and it's always well received. His mix of wisdom, humor and joy come through in his messages. Quite often a football joke will sneak in there every now and then but it's never without a point having to do with the message. I always come away knowing that Pastor Kevin has spoken to God so he can speak to us.
About worship: If rock is your thing, you'll be OK and this will come off as a nitpick. My one draw back is this: Worship needs to evolve beyond 4 on the floor worship. As a worship leader coming from a varied background in musical upbringing, the worship here will be wane on you and will become formulaic and quite stagnant. It's usually two fast praise songs followed by two contemplative worship songs, After worship, there's announcements which tend to be very cool and one of the pastors gives a message, usually Pastor Odor but all the teaching pastors are very good. Maybe one more introspective worship song during communion. A few reminders and parting words from the speaker or leader in charge and then everyone is sent on t heir way. There are more formats than this and praise and worship of a living God is not confined to only rock. Service always ends with communion.
The sound people need to tighten up their operation. When a soloist like a guitar or keyboard are supposed to shine, make it happen! Way too often soloists are buried in the mix and that song sounds like it's just filling time. Let the sound of the soloist stand out! This also happens when making switches between lead singers. The drums and bass really seem wasted in the mix, too. One would think that after spending hundreds of thousands on the acoustical, audio and electronic set up of the sanctuary that a better presentation could be made. It just falls short of the mark. The sound seems to be preset before worship begins and then left alone throughout the rest of worship. Then attention gets paid to the sound when the speaker of the day gets up to preach.
What's my bottom line? I've been a follower of Christ for nearly 40 years now. As I contemplate writing a review of a church, I look back on my experiences with churches with a great deal of love and concern for all of God's people and how I see a church and how a person who does not pursue the Lord in the manner that I do may take the experience. New comers will find this a good first experience. If you're a believer with a few years under your belt looking for a place for you and your family, this is a safe refuge for you to begin to put some roots down if you are part of the North Las Vegas scene. My actual rating is a solid 4.5...