I went to this salon for about 5 months. I figured the service would get better if they saw me as a regular reliable customer. I tip over 20 percent to establish good will. The tip was always cash. The employees first words are what do you want? Then it's gel or acrylic? And of course the ever popular Pedicure? After that the next word is the dollar amount. No please, thank you, are you satisfied, do you like the shape the nails are filed? I have pointed nails out I thought were cracked just to be told no. Two days later I am in there getting a tip because the nail they felt was not cracked was gone. I would wear a bandaid to support the cracked nail they would not see until I could get one of the employees to fix it. Then I get a lecture about always wearing gloves. If a nail crackes in the shower...well I just won't wear gloves while bathing. I'm funny that way. The young girl is sullen and angry. One person does not do the whole session. A younger boy puts the cotton and foil on to remove the polish. He leaves and Miss sunshine comes and finishes it. She is sloppy, does not let you complete a full light cycle, and makes me uncomfortable. I gave it a solid and fair chance to win me over as a customer. It never even came close. I did learn a lesson. Tip 15% until the employee earns the 20% tip...you can not entice people to care about their work or reputation. Thank goodness there is a nail salon on every corner. Someone will get it right!