I did like this gym...for a while. It spacious, clean and never overly crowded. The personal trainers were excellent and taught me a lot. Unfortunately, their policies are set up to reap as much money from customers as possible. I signed up for 3 months of training. I emphasized that I could only afford 3 months and no more. Well no one bothered to tell me that it goes to month to month after the intial contract period is up. Because I was auto paying on my credit card I didn't notice until two months later. I called and cancelled the trainer sessions contract but they refused to refund my money for the two months. So now I had 4 extra sessions i didn't want and couldn't afford. Fine, whatever. I'll use them. When I had 2 sessions left I get a call that I can't use them because they have a new policy. When you cancel your training contract you lose all the sessions you pay for. Really? Bad form LA Ftiness. I cancelled my membership the same day.Not worth the constant hassle with my finances.