| - Happy Anniversary Week DD! (50 cent Medium Coffees, iced or hot, until the 21st) Why was I not informed of this earlier?! I was and am all over this deal right now, and so were the 10 people I saw with medium coffees walking out of the shop this morning. It was a mad house I say, A MAD HOUSE!!!!
Before the revamping of every single DD on the planet, I remember this place as it once was...Proud, mystical, and always very crowded. About a decade or more ago, this shop was owned by a man from Philly or New York or New Jersey, his name escapes me, but he was a very friendly man. My Pops and him use to talk about the East Coast every single time we'd go in, while I munched on a Vanilla Cream. There was always an abundance of the right kind of donuts, and when I say the right kind, I'm talking about Vanilla Cream, all the other donuts can take a flying leap! Well, thinking harder about it the owner was probably from New Jersey... I'm pretty sure I heard him say water like someone from New Jersey. Side story here, I have heard my Pop say 'water' once in my entire life, but he insists on pronouncing it 'wudder', I'm not saying there is a right or wrong way to say the word but universally I think I have it correct. Anywho...
Obviously pink and orange-itized to the point of hurting my eyes some mornings, this DD offers the same quality in food and beverage as it did in its earlier years.They have healthier eating options and a variety. Not just your typical milk, donuts, and coffee anymore folks. Half of the racks are muffins and bagels, and you can order flat bread sandwiches now (Reluctant at first, I have found the Veg version to be ultra delicious). Lots of places to sit, indoors and outdoors, flat screen televisions with the news, sports or DD advertisements, and your local paper(s).
Even though the service isn't as personal as it use to be, you are still greeted with a hearty smile and given the coffee and/or donuts you came for. I guess that's all that matters with you young people nowadays. You just don't understand, that sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name, and they're always glad you came...