| - Not the easiest car buying experience. Registering for the auction in December took 3 weeks. You need to give them information that no one should have like a blank check that is never returned and a copy of your Credit Card. (edit: check was returned with pink slip) A bank letter from your bank that does no good
Upon winning the auction, you will have to do everything. Call them 10 times to get your settlement agreement. After you send them everything and wire them 50K. I wired everything by 11:00AM on Monday. Wednesday when Reliable Transport was there to pick-up the car, they didn't have my paperwork???, I had to call and have them search for it.
Upon DELIVERY THAT WAS 4 HOURS LATE, THE CAR WAS A DUSTY RAINY MESS AND RELIABLE TRANSPORT JUST LEFT IT THAT WAY. On their website they show the cars being wiped & cleaned with cloths upon delivery....The idiot tells me,"I better get a bucket" WHAT A JOKE! Why did I have the car shipped in a contained vehicle to have it delivered like it hadn't been washed in a MONTH? (edit: Didn't realize that the car would not be washed after a huurricane. On the reliable carrier website, they show a car being delivered and 2 guys wiping it down. If that is a service, it was never offered by Reliable. This should go in reliable review section)
Upon winning the auction, my rep, Lowen Sniff, called and said the owner of the car I won wanted to talk to me. After reaching out 5-7 separate times for the info, I was just completely ignored. I wouldn't have minded so much if the car didn't end up on a flat bed after I put gas in it. I had called and text several times thinking that the car might run on Rocket fuel or something, but still after 9 days they have not put me in contact with the owner as the car sits just reeking of gasoline.
A simple thing like just getting me the owners contact info in a timely fashion would have saved. time and money and aggravation.
Upon reaching out for the pink slip after 30 days, I was told that they were" sent out" by Lowen and he would follow up with tracking. 6 days later, I reached out and was told that it is 30 business days. It would have been better just to say "6 weeks" from the get go, IMHO. Never heard of 30 "business days"? In the end the Pink slip was delivered, as they said it would be at the 6 week mark. It could have been a little better experience with a few minor tweeks, but in the end the car is awesome.