Fame ruins people! But so far not these people! Of course we did the tourist thing and went there on our trip to Vegas. Didn't know what to expect. I guess I thought I would see a lot of people I didn't recognize doing some restorations and if by chance I did see any of the people who we feel are our close friends from TV they would be out front signing autographs or avoiding us altogether-ceretainly not working on people's projects! 100% wrong! They were a bunch of hard working guys who seemed to be having a lot of fun with their jobs. Everyone was dirty and dusty and doing their thing. Our tour guide was Brenly (sp??) and we met Rick, Tyler and Cowboy. All seemed perfectly in characture as to how you might see them on the show--all very nice.
We were so surprised to see so many of the TV projects for sale in the showroom. We were told on the tour that they try to make two of every TV project because people want to buy them.... anybody need a surfboard powered by a gas engine--only $8500! Or a turquois refrigerator?
I hope that over time fame doesn't change this place--or these people.