| - Cheap beer specials, a no-frills atmostphere, and standard pub grub abound. There are plenty of TVs all over the place. It gets packed like a sardine can on weekends. You can't escape the Pittsburgh memorabilia. William Penn Tavern is Shadyside's very own hybrid of sports bar and college bar.
Without a doubt, the highlight would be the chicken wings. The 50-cent wing special (which happens FOUR days a week!) is one of the most affordable and delicious ways to stuff yourself silly. They come doused with your choice of many sauces. The wings are juicy, tasty, and humongous. They might come from giant chickens that could terrorize a city Godzilla-style. I cannot recommend the kitchen sink and spicy ranch sauces enough. If indeed "you are what you eat," there's a good chance I will soon turn into a William Penn Tavern chicken wing.
Other tidbits: The beer selection isn't the greatest--it's the standard Yuengling/Miller/Coors/Bud alongside a handful of craft brews--but at least the cheap beer is actually fairly cheap. There's a dartboard and a foosball table for when you get competetive. The NFL satellite package makes this a great place to spend Sunday afternoons during football season. The patio is decent, and has heaters and a tent for less-than-ideal weather.
William Penn, being his Quaker self, likely wouldn't appreciate it, but if you want some cheap beer, tasty bar food, and a game to watch, this tavern with his name is a solid option.