One of reasons i even like VQ is because it is the nearest casino to our house,i can take my elderly parents there ,they have older slot machines that don't need a computer wiz to explain how it works and a lounge where i can sit and watch a game as i wait for my parents. Now for the reason i gave it a bad score. They let people hog ball the machines,someone will place an ash tray on a stool and walk way and play elsewhere or they are playing two machines at the same time. They don't take criticism to well,example when the new casino opened,they got on their own Facebook page and started taking pop shot at the Desert casino,i responded saying "it wasn't cool" they deleted my post as well as others and they banned me from liking their page.You can dish it out ,yet you can't take it. i will take my parents to an other casino ,Maybe Fort McDowell perhaps .