| - This place is GOD. I had some good rotisserie before and this place is at least the top two. I still can't decide whether this place is better or Rooster's on Ossington, but yeah, it's pretty damn good.
I had sole fillets w two sides: macaroni salad and Parisian potatoes, for $10. The fillet melts right in your mouth. The batter is very light and crispy. I don't know how to describe the texture, it just MELTS into this heavenly good.... Gahhhhh....!!!!
The fish def beats Rooster's, the potatoes, on the other side, were a bit dry when I got it. I had some of my bf's food as well, and his rice is very tasty. Better than Rooster's as well.
I can't wait to try all the other menu at this place. Will be coming here a lot!!
The place is very clean and nice to dine in. The dining area maintained its cool despite the 30 degree weather outside.
They have a good selection of dessert-- Portuguese bake goods (cakes, tarts), some European Pop (pineapple/passion fruit pop); I personally don't drink, but I know a lot of people will like this: a range of liquids including beer and some little bottles of hard liquor (or I think that's what it is).
Anyway, highly HIGHLY recommended!! I'll be taking and uploading pictures on my next visit :) which will be soon