This clinic was a referral so I gave it a shot for my shoulder injury. I have a follow up on the 3oth and we'll see what happens then was my first visit and I wasn't even greeted with a smile or 'good morning'. The front desk clerk who instructed me to fill out three pages of forms kept reminding the other two office ladies 'she doesn't have insurance'. (meaning me, and I don't) I felt like maybe I should have walked in with that on a label for my forehead. Nope, no insurance but I did have CASH and I am able to pay my way. The actual visit was quick, and to the point with no frills which is fine by me. However, there is a strong feeling of detachment here, so I didn't get the impression any one in this office cared whether they help anyone or not. The woman worried about my lack of insurance wasn't wearing a name tag, but when I return for my follow up I'll check on that and update my review. If I need longer term care for my injury, I'll go elsewhere.