If you look at my reviews, you can see that I review chocolate regularly.
Boutique Chocosina is a cute shop obviously catering to the tourist faction that walks through the Basilica district. It carries candy and chocolate novelties. I'm a fan of handmade truffles and sought this boutique out to sample their version of truffles.
The truffles were hidden around the corner of the front desk. They were brightly decorated but didn't carry the shine that well-tempered chocolate usually boasts. When I asked about source chocolate, the person behind-the-counter listed location sources (Venezuela, etc.) but didn't name a source chocolate brand or supplier (which I find to be important information). I was also informed that the store would not sell my friends individual truffles; they had to be purchased by the box. While I typically purchase a good sampling of truffles from any shop I visit, I also appreciate the ability to walk away with one or two "loose" truffles for a quick assessment of the chocolate.
Chocosina offers a variety of flavors in their truffles. If you are not a chocolate connoisseur or enjoy the type of assorted chocolates you might pick up at a pharmacy, this place is for you. While the flavors are better than Russell Stover, they aren't as high-profile as what you'll find at a boutique that specializes in truffles and sophisticated flavor profiles. Again, this is not meant to dissuade anyone from visiting this shop. The place is cute and there are plenty of wonderful novelties to keep tourist families happy.