It was overall good experience for me here at Cafe Bellagio.
We ordered Burger, Risotto, and Roast Chicken.
One mistake I made was to ask the waitress how the Roast Chicken was.
Of course, she'll say it's really good.
It turns out to be dissappointing and not worth the price which is about $25.
I went here for lunch and everyone I saw seemed to be ordering the burgers.
I think all the burgers here are pretty good.
I had the Risotto which was the menu of the day and it was unexpectly good.
The day was going slow for me and I was really tired from the night before.
I rested here for a while on a comfortable booth enjoying my lunch rejuvenating.
The place is big but the atmosphere is quiet and calm that you can relax to.
It was just what I needed at that moment.