Was in town for work and decided to visit this location after work with some coworkers after a little apprehension...I mean c'mon...fresh seafood in Arizona where there isn't any real bodies of water around... did someone say bubble guts?!? O.x
The food itself was only food only ...ok....in the sense that nothing special but not horribly done wrong. We came during the happy hour which was a major +1 for the spot!
The ceviche and short ribs were decent, ok portion and flavor, not overly fatty cuts of ribs.
The rolls here are wack...but then again any avid sushiya patron doesn't order "rolls" to begin with. Kinda on the small side and lacked any special flavor and only reason they were order was because the happy hour deal and I needed something to soak up the draaaanks!
Overall the saving grace was the happy hour + hot waitresses working (Thus 4 stars...if not so hot waitresses feel free to subtract .5-1 stars)
oh and for those who happen to give a fuark they honor 4square check ins free edamame or miso soup. another +1