Let me say that I love this place! I have been here multiple times and I usually get the $10 wash. Well today I decided to buy the monthly pass. For $19.95 a month I get the same wash that I've been getting but I can go unlimited times! Wow! I was paying $40 a month going once a week, now I can pay $19.95 and go as many times as I want too! They also have free vacuums. They work really well! I have a toddler who throws French fries in my car & those vacuums sucked them right out from under the seat! They have a free mat cleaner & they have a large bucket of soapy water with a scrub type broom/brush for vinyl mats. Theres a rack there to put the vinyl mats on so you can clean them & let them drip dry. There's also a hose there. They usually have a roll of paper towels out too. I had to use the restroom while I was there & I was surprised at how clean it was. I was preparing myself for something scary , considering it was a car wash, but wow! It seems like s lot of younger kids work there but they're all super nice! They're extremely helpful too. I have a hard time lining my wheel up to go through the car wash but they guide me right on through. Thanks guys! And you even get a free car shaped air freshener. Definitely recommend!