For maybe two years, I was a regular here for their Tuesday evening movies ( free ). This program has since been cancelled, so I only rarely go to this branch since I live some distance from the neighborhood. But, since I have been there sooo many times, and spent sooo much time there, I may know what I am talking about.
It's an old building that has been through a major renovation some years ago. It has less book capacity than before, but ample space for two theaters for special events (such as free movies), a used bookstore with a decent selection ( I love used books), and areas filled with other offerings of handy services of which I have yet to discover.
The staff always seems friendly considering the bustling traffic this library is burdened (or blessed?) with.
Finding seating space on the main floor can be a challenge at times, but the lower level sometimes provides an option.
The displays of art have been enhanced, and I love the benefit of the primped-up ambiance this enhancement provides to us patrons. Bravo!