Last night we had a blast at Exit Strategy! There were 17 of us- 9 youth from ages 12-17 and 8 adults. None of us have ever done anything like this so we were all excited and nervous about being locked in a room. We split into two rooms- youth in Murder mystery and adults in Lost in Space. The youth finished with 2 minutes to spare. I heard they had lots of hints, but also had lots of fun.
Since I can only speak on the adult side, I will say that our host explained all the rules clearly and efficiently. You are taken to your room, explained what things are not for consumption (locked outlets) and given a walkie talkie for hints or emergencies. And your host watches the whole time via camera. They will give hints when asked (we needed 2. Not too bad!) and will let you out and back in if you need to use the restroom, which I recommend you do before you head into the room. We finished with 9 minutes remaining on the clock. Whew!
The room was challenging and loads of fun. Luckily it was only our group in the room. I could see where it might be more difficult of you were put with folks you didn't know. But, really, it wouldn't matter to me. I would still do it again. We are planning an adult night out with dinner and Exit Strategy- Cabin in the Woods! Looking forward to it! SO much fun!!