This is the ultimate splurge. A couple of fried chicken and thick buttered waffle with syrup...I need a nap. Don't forget the 24 oz Sweet Tea, Kool Aid or Lemonade for added sugar overload.
Even before I took a sip of my sweet tea, hubby knew it would be too sweet for me. He gave me his unsweetened tea...he's all the sweetness I need. My little cutie pie's lemonade was bigger than his head. It was a crack up to see how his eyes got big by the sight of his towering favorite drink. He decided on the chicken strips and french fries he could barely finish.
The well seasoned, crispy on the outside and moist on the inside chicken leg and thigh topped the buttery waffles. My hubby is a breast man, so that topped his waffles. I'm not too crazy about the greens on the side. I've had better. I so wanted to try the Red Velvet Cake, sadly, we didn't have any room for it. I had to be rolled outta there.
I'm craving for some while writing this *slurp*