(W)e never got to dine at Bosa1.....:(
(E)xcited is how I felt when I found out Bosa was back!
(L)ocated on Polaris Street off Spring Mountain in Chinatown
(C)ome hungry, leave happy...wait, is that a commercial?
(O)utstanding service here!
(M)y opu was HELLA growling when we stepped inside
(E)xtensive menu available here...3 words-Broken Rice Plates
(B)asket of attack gear is brought to your table
(A)ddicting Nuoc Cham (dipping sauce) is also brought to your table for rice plates
(C)oming back to try their noodle dishes for sure
(K)illed my Grilled Beef and Spring Roll Rice Plate!
(B)roken Rice plates are what they are known for...SO GOOD!
(O)MG!!! is what my tastebuds and opu screamed after meeting the fluffy broken rice
(S)tarting to salivate right now....Better end this review!