I've got to say I wish I was invited to whatever special event was going on at the time. Man it seemed like they were having fun enjoying themselves and I was so jealous because they had all you can eat buffet. So while I was at the bar ordering my food all I could see was people coming back with plates piled to the ceiling. All the dancing all the smiles all of the genuine love being showed. From the outside looking in all you want to do is be a part of the festivities. But what I can say is I wasn't treated like a second-class citizen at the bar. I don't know if I was given extra food or not but my bag was heavy. So I'm not sure if that's the normal portions or if I was just showing some love because of the event but I was well appreciative of it. My food was phenomenal I received the veggie plate and things that I normally don't eat was fantastic. Like the beets very Savory and succulent.