Paid $80 online. Spoke to a paradise person everytime I called. I receive polite info every time. I explained that we're traveling with childeren and needed to sit together. I confirmed the day before the trip and assured we would sit together.
We were picked up by a shuttle exactly on time and taken to Excaliber and transfered to a bigger bus. Not the same bus as online...but it was big and airconditioned. We were handed a blue plastic bag with a packaged cinnamon roll, banana, & a bottle of oj.
Our seats were reserved with our party name and we all sat together. We were happy with our sitting arrangment.
Steve our bus driver had lots of good info about Vegas, Hoover Dam, & Grand Canyon. Yes, it was corny at times but we enjoyed his humor.
We stopped for a photo opportunity at the dam for 15 mins. Which was plenty enough time for us.
We watched a movie on Hoover Dam and NationalTreasure on the way to GC.
When we got to GC we got out box lunch that consisted of a turkey sandwich, chips, cookies and bottle water. I opted to eat my lunch later... Still full with breakfast bag of goodies.
We decided the free Blue Line shuttle from Bright Angle to Mather Point. Please do make the mistake we did and take the stop at Mather Camp Ground. It's not the same.. Wasted time waiting for the next shuttle...
Once at Mather Point did we set our eyes on the grandure of the Grand Canyon. Can't believe how fast 3 hours goes by. It wasn't long till we boarded the Blue Line back to Bright Angel to meet up with our tour bus.
Be sure to take your bio breaks at the rest areas and the Grand Canyon. The bus driver can't stress enough that the bus bathroom is strickly for emergency use only.
On the way back we stopped at the same Kingman Subway rest stop. Kids were starving on the way back... So Subway was great to have on the way back. We slept for most of the ride back to LV.
Yes, we had multiple drop off stops. But considering the 8-9 hours round trip drive... Taking a tour bus to Grand Canyon is a great alternative. My young boys will have memories of a lifetime. And my husband and I had a relatively stress free trip to GC. All in all I would recommend a tour bus to Grand Canyon.